Heute geht es ausnahmsweise einmal nicht um mich und meine Reise sondern um die Reise von drei Freunden aus Tandil (Argentinien). Sie kaufen sich einen Ford Falcon (Baujahr 1983), laden ihre Film-Ausrüstung ein, die nötigsten Sachen und machen sich auf den Weg nach Ushuaya.
Ihre Idee klingt abenteuerlich: sie träumen von einem reisenden Reisezirkus. Ihr Projekt, wenn man des denn so nennen will oder darf, lebt dabei von sich selbst. Die Filme entstehen unterwegs und handeln von einfachen alltäglichen Dingen. "Romantischen Realismus" nennen sie ihre Art zu dokumentieren, was ihnen auf dem Weg begegnet. Und es stimmt: ich habe die Ehre, mir ihre Filme bei einem Mate in einem kleinen Wohnwagen am Rande El Chaltens anzusehen und verliebe mich sofort in ihre lebendigen und "unfertig" wirkenden Kurzfilme.
Matias, Diego und Cevolla kommen unter, wo auch immer man ihnen ein Bett, ein Platz für das Zelt oder was auch immer anbietet. Und so ziehen sie von Stadt zu Stadt, lernen die Leute kennen und laden sie zu ihren Vorführungen ein. Schaut euch am besten selbst den kurzen Trailer unten an (spanisch)! ;)
Jungs: mich habt ihr beeindruckt, macht weiter so und lasst euch eure Einstellung zum Filmemachen nicht nehmen! Grande! Vamos el Naveeeee! :)
A travelling movie circus
Today I won't speak about my trip but about a trip, that three guys from Tandil (Argentina) are currently doing. The buy a Ford Falcon (1983), pack their filming equipment, the most useful things and head out to get to the end of the world: Ushuaya!
Their Idea sounds like pure adventure: the are dreaming of a rolling Cine Circus. Their project, if you wanna call it that way, gets its input on the road. The short movies are about daily life and normal situations. "Romantic Realism" is how Matias, Diego and Cevolla call their style and they are right. Their movies are so lively and vivid that I'm really impressed. The clips sometimes seem a bit unfinished, you can still hear someone speaking in the back or you hear the camera zooming in and out, but you have the feeling that it should be exactly like it is! Great great art, guys! While having some Mate in a camper, where they are currently staying I have the pleasure to watch some of their movies!
Now they are travelling from town to town, meet people, document their trip via pictures and movies, invite the locals to their presentations and stay wherever someone offers them to stay. Have a look at the video below, please (spanish)! :)
Guys: never stop thinking like you do and keep your idea of how to make movies! Grande, hermanoooos! Que lleguen a Europa un dia con la nave!!
Jungs: mich habt ihr beeindruckt, macht weiter so und lasst euch eure Einstellung zum Filmemachen nicht nehmen! Grande! Vamos el Naveeeee! :)
A travelling movie circus
Today I won't speak about my trip but about a trip, that three guys from Tandil (Argentina) are currently doing. The buy a Ford Falcon (1983), pack their filming equipment, the most useful things and head out to get to the end of the world: Ushuaya!
Their Idea sounds like pure adventure: the are dreaming of a rolling Cine Circus. Their project, if you wanna call it that way, gets its input on the road. The short movies are about daily life and normal situations. "Romantic Realism" is how Matias, Diego and Cevolla call their style and they are right. Their movies are so lively and vivid that I'm really impressed. The clips sometimes seem a bit unfinished, you can still hear someone speaking in the back or you hear the camera zooming in and out, but you have the feeling that it should be exactly like it is! Great great art, guys! While having some Mate in a camper, where they are currently staying I have the pleasure to watch some of their movies!
Now they are travelling from town to town, meet people, document their trip via pictures and movies, invite the locals to their presentations and stay wherever someone offers them to stay. Have a look at the video below, please (spanish)! :)
Guys: never stop thinking like you do and keep your idea of how to make movies! Grande, hermanoooos! Que lleguen a Europa un dia con la nave!!
ACHTUNG: Nutzer aus Deutschland können das Video evtl nicht sehen. Hiermit gehts: http://www.unblocker.yt/de/
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